Scripture Reading - Romans 14:17

For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. KJV

This verse reminds us not to take for granted our heritage as a child of God, it is a spiritual world that we live in. The Christian is a spiritual ambassador from the Kingdom of God that is visiting this natural earth for a short season. It is very easy to be mindful of the natural realm around us because we are accustom to thinking by sight recognition and not by faith (the substance of our heart). During the day we will constantly think on what we should eat and what we should drink. As a spiritual child of God you should not be overly influenced by the persuasion of food and drinks. Never think that God is governing the food and drinks upon the earth because He is not. The Good Lord placed food and drinks in the earth but left the decision to men on how they use it. The reason the Lord had to state that the Kingdom of God is not food and drink is because so many Christians were judging another people’s spirituality by what they eat and drink. As believers in the precious Blood of Jesus we must not make natural food a spiritual issue of significance when it comes to loving other people. This earth has all types of natural things upon it and the majority of people only consider the natural realm. Those of the world make food a major influence of their life. They even have restaurants and bars that they esteem a place of worship. The whole scene of dining out to enhance a person’s quality life is worldly (ungodly) thinking. So much of society is built around food when it comes to meeting people, doing business at work and even conversing with our very own family. However in a contrary world, the believer must always consider the Holy Bible to guide them on doing what is right. The Word of God and the Blood of Jesus is our righteousness apart from what we put in our mouth. When it comes to treating people right we should follow the Kingdom of God, not the kingdom of men. When we do right we have the calming peace of God with joy unspeakable that is full of glory because the Holy Ghost is influencing our decisions. Therefore we should remember that we are spirit beings possessing God’s righteous, peace and joy in Jesus Christ our Savoir and Lord. Please never confuse food as a spiritual indicator of God’s righteousness because it is not, nor ever shall be. The Kingdom of God is being in right fellowship with God, which brings peace and joy to the Spirit of God from which we are created (born-again) in Christ Jesus. Amen!